Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Early Mornings

It's another early morning where I'm about to head into my ten hour shift! I'm so thankful for the job I have, but it really makes me feel old! Having an [almost] full time job- I work 38 hours a week- really makes me miss my chiildhood. Matthew and I both went to Bolton High School and lately we have been looking back at old pictures and reminiscing over old friends. It doesn't seem real that we're both pursuing degrees now and have real "big-girl" and "big-boy" jobs. 
Matthew is a teacher and is AMAZING  at it. he never has to worry about his calling! He has a passion for his students and loves them like they were his own. 
I on the other hand have not declared a major yet. But at least I'm heading in the right direction...right?!

Anyways, all this to say that the Lord has been teaching me so much. So so much about himself, about people, and about what he has placed me in this life to do. He has called me to love. I know that that sounds so cheesy and so cliche, but its true! Lately He has been teaching me a different kind of love. What I have been learning is that everyone is sinful. Everyone. And that even though we all try to portray ourselves as having it all together- none of us do. I have been learning to not act like I have it all together. To be completely transparent and honest that I am sinful, but I am pursuing Christ and to be more like him.
I have also been learning a lot more about the meaning of discipleship. We have been called to disciple and to be a disciple. To be both a Timothy, and a Paul. Living a life surrendered to Christ is difficult. He never ever said it would be easy, and we need people to hold us accountable when we are tempted. I used to think that to disciple, I would have to have my life together first. This kind of ties into what I talked about before. But I don't this could be farther from the truth. As I have begun to spend time with and mentor a couple of younger girls from my church, I have found that it has taught me probably more than it has taught them. It pushes me to dig deeper in the word for when they come to me with questions, and it really makes me watch everything I do and say much more closely. I'm so thankful for those sweet girls!!!
This is just a little bit of what I have been learning in my quiet time.
What have you been learning?


  1. Hi new friend!!! Found you on A Jack of All Trades link-up! Love your BLOG!!!! <3

    1. Christina! Your blog is so adorable. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Hey! Just found your blog through the link-up, and I love it!
    Time with Christ is so encouraging! :)
    Thanks for sharing what you have been learning!

    1. Amy! I have been reading your blog for a while now and I love it! You have encouraged me so much though it. So glad the link-up brought you to my blog! (:

  3. Hi Lacey! I also found your blog through the Jack of All Trades link up! My heart closely resonates with what you shared about discipleship. Being in the mentor/leadership position really humbles you and teaches you a lot about serving God and His people. Sometimes it's not easy, but it is well worth it! :D Keep it up!

    1. Julien! I just looked at your blog and you are the sweetest! So excited to be following you now! Thanks the for the encouragement (:

  4. I love that you have been called to LOVE! That is so important and so needed today. Everyone has a deep need to be loved and we all need to make it a point to love one another as Christ has loved us.

    P.S. - you, your husband, and your dog are such a cute little family!! :)

    1. I agree!! and thank you so much for the sweet comment! However, he is not my husband yet, but I can't wait for him to be! Hopefully I'll be a fiancé soon (:

  5. It's so encouraging to hear what God has been teaching you lately! Stopping by from the Jack of All Trades Linkup :) Your blog is lovely!

  6. Thank you so much!! (: Reading your blog has been such an encouragement to me. You really do inspire me!
