Wednesday, May 14, 2014


As I have mentioned before, I have been reading the book "Radical" by David Platt. I finished that book yesterday because I couldn't put it down! I am a "binge reader" so to speak. Once I pick up a good one I can't put it down!

read this book!!!
Anyways, yesterday I was faced with a part of my life that I need to deal with that I didn't want to change. That part of my life was finances. Excess. Going. Giving.
I don't make that much money. I have a part time job and I'm so blessed with the job I have. However, with this new job I have been putting a lot of money into my savings, my desires, myself. This book has challenged the way I perceive everything that the Lord has given me.
He has given to me so that I can give.
He has blessed me so that I can bless others with the gifts He has given.
Why have I never seen it this way before??
After reading that chapter, I was challenged to get rid of excess. Get rid of the things I don't need and give it to someone who needs it. Or sell it and give the money to someone who is struggling to pay the bills. Maybe I'll give that money to sponsor a child in another country who doesn't have any food or fresh water. Or maybe I will save that money and go on a mission trip and love on those people personally. I have no idea yet, I'm still praying about it but what I do know is that I haven't been obedient to living a life of simplicity as it says to in the bible.
I'm not getting rid of things as spring cleaning, but rather because I'm called to.
Refer to Mark 10:17-31
This is not a fun passage to read. Especially for Christians in America. Many say that they are not rich because they don't have the newest thing, or the best clothes, or greatest house...but if we have a roof over our head and food, then we are richer than most everyone in the world! Jesus says that it is hard for the rich young man to get to heaven, because he was holding onto his worldly possessions too tightly. This young rich man wasn't some stuck up guy who didn't care about God and only trusted in himself. He desired Jesus. He even chased after Him and got down on his knees! But when Jesus said - "Sell all you have, give it to the poor, and follow me." The man walked away sad.
I wonder how many of us run to Jesus, fall on our knees before Him, but when he says "Sell your house for a smaller one, sell your 2014 car for a more affordable on, give away clothes that you have excess of-then come, follow me. " We turn and walk away... This is sad to think about. That our worldly possessions have such a stronghold over us that we can't let go!
This is some hard convicting stuff in Mark 10. I wonder how many times I have read it and didn't apply it to myself? I guess all the way up until yesterday.
I feel like pastors, and teachers alike focus on a couple of verses from this chapter
1." It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."-verse 25
2. "The first will be last and the last will be first." verse 31
I have never really focused on this verse till just now ...
 "and Jesus, looking at him, loved him..."verse 21
Jesus tells us to get rid of our possessions and give because he loves us. He knows that it will be better for us to get rid of all our "stuff". We will be able to better focus our lives on Him and the people he has called us to love. We won't have these earthly, meaningless things holding us back from loving Jesus with an undivided heart. Jesus told us that when we give away all we have and all we are, that we will receive one-hundred-fold in heaven. He loves us, so he tells us to get rid of anything holding us back from following him whole-heartedly.
After I read this, I immediately began to think of all of my own "stuff". I began to think of what I could give away, how I could further the gospel through my giving. But what I realized is how much all of this "stuff" had a hold on my life! As I began to go through my drawers, and my closets, I realized that there were things I wanted to keep..memories I wanted to last. I realized how much I love my comfortable living style and that I am the rich young man from Mark 10.
This honestly overwhelmed me.
It's time for a change. It's time to take God's word at face value and apply it to our lives, not pointing fingers at other people who we think it applies to. We are given one life-to obey and glorify our Savior, to love others around us, to live the life He has called us to live.
We are only a vapor, and I don't about you, but I want to live out  my little vapor in radical obedience to my God.
I know that this was a lot. And I know I could have gone even deeper into Mark 10, but I am not trying to preach at anyone. I am just sharing a little about what the Lord taught me yesterday, and what I am trying to apply to my life!
I am going to keep my blog updated with ways that I am simplifying my life so that I can be kept accountable!
First thing I simplified! This used to be a "junk drawer". Basically anything that I didn't know what to do with I put in here. Now it is my place to hold my bible, journal, pens, etc.

Have a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. Totally agree with the lesson you learned here through that book! I also have been convicted recently to simplify my life and being satisfied with what has been given to me, and also being a good steward of that. Let's strive together to give to God what rightfully belongs to Him! And when our hearts are aligned with His, we are able to give freely and willingly to those in need. My brother owns that book but now I think I will go ahead and read it. : ) Thanks for sharing!

  2. This book has been on my reading list for a while now. Now I REALLY want to read it. So much truth in this post!

  3. This post is particularly relevant to my life right now, because I'm trying to simplify my life and give up what I don't need. Every so often, I forget about that, but this is the reminder I need.

  4. I'm definitely a binge reader too! I love Radical, have you read 7 by Jen Hatmaker? If you are looking to simplify that's an awesome one. I just re-read it and am making lists on how I want to simplify different areas of my life.
    Thanks for linking up!
