Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
-James 4:14
Have I ever mentioned that my mom is the greatest?
Well, she is.
She drives me to school on Tuesdays & Thursdays because I really hate to drive. I love spending that time with her because it reminds me of the days when I went to the school where she teaches. We would ride to school together every morning and just talk.
And now, that's what we do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Today, as we were driving along, I told her some things I have been thinking of lately. And now I am going to share it with y'all.
Life is so short.
Just yesterday I was in fifth grade in Mrs. Correll's class.
Just yesterday I was on my high school's theater stage singing and dancing.
Just yesterday was my first day of college.
Just yesterday..I got engaged.
When I was younger, I imagined being so old and mature the day I would turn 16 and get a car. I also believed that when I turned 18 that I would be a sophisticated adult (HA!) Then I also believed that when it was time for me to get married, that I would have it all together (hahahahah.....no. not true at all.)
Right before my eyes, life happened. Real, messy, sometimes-scary life.
And what had I to prove for it?
Just an empty stare and gaping mouth that all this time really did just fly by.
What I realized was simply this: none of the "stuff" matters.
Only my relationship with Christ matters.
And how is my relationship with Christ?
Just like an other relationship.
Messy. I would love to say that it is so perfect and we're totally in sync.
But here's the real deal: I screw up on a constant basis. I desire things of the world, which totally throws me off sync and leaves me feeling useless, and unwanted.(cause that's how the world wants you to feel). then I have a reality check like I have here in the past few days and realize that literally nothing matters except my Savior, and the people all around me He has given me to love.
Life is so short. We have a shortness of breath. We were put here to love. To love without limits and to set our gaze on heaven. Believe it or not, we were not put on earth to have the latest fashion or do the latest, coolest things. And we were not put on earth to ensure that we get the latest gadgets like the new iphone 6.
Life is intended to glorify God.(1 Corinthians 6:20)
Sometimes we just have to ask ourselves: Am I glorifying God right now. this very instant...
I don't want to get to heaven and realize that my whole life I have had my hands full of things of this world...clenched so tightly in my hands that they became chains. We have FREEDOM in the One who loves us!(Galatians 5:1) Let it go! (hehe! Frozen song! Sorry I had to)
Sometimes it's hard for me to rest in that freedom or believe that He really does love me...a-really-super-messed-up-ugly-sinner. someone who repeats her mistakes over and over again. someone who gets wrapped up in things and then becomes "miss independent" and tries to fix it herself.
But He is beckoning us daily to come to Him. To lay it all down(Psalm 55:22). To pick up our cross (Luke 9:23) Only He knows the time in which our days will be up. We don't. It could be today. I want to glorify my Savior with everything I have and know in the end that everyday I consciously walked with Him and acknowledged Him.
He knows our sin. He knows where our weak spots are and there is grace for that. But it is time to live as if today was our last day.
That test you're freaking out about..I guarantee you God knows all the answers, just ask Him to help you. No need to stress.
That fight you just had with someone you love...go make up. It really isn't worth it in the light of eternity.
That issue at work...go pray over everything in your workplace! I know it seems silly, but prayer changes everything.
That person you're jealous of.... I mean this nicely,, get over it. God made you perfect with your own special abilities! (I tell myself to "get over it" all the time. actually Matthew has started to tell me too..haha!)
I don't know what you're going through, but I do know this..everyone is struggling with something. I don't care how "put together" or "perfect" they seem. But life too short to be worried or scared about anything (Philippians 4:6). God has got you. Your name is written in the palm of His hand(Isaiah 49:16). No scheme of the devil can touch you(1 John 5:18).
You've got today.
Go live it confidently!
i absolutely love this post!! I have been so focused lately on how I CAN fix things, and I can't. Only he can fix things. I also love the name of this post because it makes me think to live in this moment. I'm so sad that you aren't able to come with us this weekend but I am glad that I "met" you through them though.