This year it has been my goal to read through the whole bible.
Whenever I read the first five books of the bible before, it seemed so boring! But as I have read through it from the beginning, I could not believe how much it applied to me today. Specifically Deuteronomy. I found myself rereading passages, so convicted that God commanded these things so long ago to the Israelites, and He is still speaking these things over my heart today.
You see, God has been really calling me to be selflessly obedient even before I read these passages. There are some things totally out of my comfort zone that He is calling me to do. And I mean I have been fighting it. At one point I even said to my beloved Savior "No God, I can't do that. Send someone else. I'm not qualified. I don't know what to say." And then every time I spent time in His word He would gently nudge me in the same direction. Every thing I would read would point me to what He as calling me to do.

Then finally I said "No God, I won't do it unless I have someone with me to talk for me." Without even realizing it, I sounded like Moses saying no to God when He called Moses to go speak to Pharoah.
WOW. How easily my life relates to the Old Testament. God showed me that and then further showed me that I am like the disobedient Israelites. I truly believe that God gave us the old testament to learn from the mistakes of the people before us and not repeat them. Or maybe to see that we are doing the same things that they were and it broke His heart so we should stop [and obey] immediately.
All that to say, I am going to start a series on Deuteronomy from what God has taught me through these rich-in-truth chapters. I feel like I am never able to fully express in written words what God has taught me. It always seems choppy and when I reread what I write I think "that actually does not even sound like what I need it to"...but I post it anyways because He says "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs"[Matthew 10:27]

Then finally I said "No God, I won't do it unless I have someone with me to talk for me." Without even realizing it, I sounded like Moses saying no to God when He called Moses to go speak to Pharoah.
WOW. How easily my life relates to the Old Testament. God showed me that and then further showed me that I am like the disobedient Israelites. I truly believe that God gave us the old testament to learn from the mistakes of the people before us and not repeat them. Or maybe to see that we are doing the same things that they were and it broke His heart so we should stop [and obey] immediately.
All that to say, I am going to start a series on Deuteronomy from what God has taught me through these rich-in-truth chapters. I feel like I am never able to fully express in written words what God has taught me. It always seems choppy and when I reread what I write I think "that actually does not even sound like what I need it to"...but I post it anyways because He says "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs"[Matthew 10:27]
And then I just have to trust that he will use my writing to speak to even just one person.
So when I post things that God has whispered in my ear, please don't think that I am just posting it to make me look good. I actually get super nervous to post these blogs, and then I get really discouraged and don't post for months on end. But I have to believe that God doesn't teach us so that we will just feel-good on the inside. He teaches us and then we are to be real life examples of messy sinful lives turning to Jesus for His glory. He teaches us, and then we are to be transparent with people and say "hey, this is what I've been struggling with and this is what God's word says about it. And you're not alone. I struggle with my flesh every single day." And so I will continue to proclaim from the rooftops.
I am reading it too. It has been tough for sure.