Thursday, July 16, 2015


A week before the wedding, Matthew and I had the privilege to take our youth group to camp! The way in which they were able to go was such a God thing. 
We did not have the money to take them and the youth did not have the money to be able to go,  so individuals in our tiny church sponsored them to go! I am constantly taken aback by the generosity of our church. We really are a family!

City Serve Camp is not your ordinary camp. The morning starts off with a worship service and then for the first part of the day, the youth and leaders go out into the city to do various mission projects. Then when they come back, there is free time and another worship service and sermon at night. It was amazing.

Our youth group LOVED it. They loved to serve and they loved to hug on little kids. It was truly an eye opening experience for them! But more than anything, I think what they loved most was worshiping with about 100 other kids their age all pursuing Christ with arms raised high, knees bent at the alter, and hearts humbled before God. I think it really changed their perspective on what it means to follow Christ...abandoning the idea of fitting in and instead submitting to Him and worshiping Him with every fiber of their being. 

After the worship service at night, we would break up into our youth groups so that we could all talk about what God is teaching us and where He is leading us. That time was so precious and will be treasured forever. Spending time with my girls as they poured out their heart,  crying happy tears, and praying over them just about made my heart burst because it was swelling with SO MUCH JOY! 
God was working in that camp in our youths lives and it was so evident. 

 Here are some pictures! But I am a dummy and I can't figure out how to turn them the right way. 

We all cannot wait to go back next year! 

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