Tuesday, August 8, 2017

P U R P O S E series

What is your purpose? 
Why were you born and why are you still living? 
Why do you do what you do?
Why do you go about your ordinary day the way you do?
Why do you eat what you eat?
Why do you wake up and go to work or stay home, or do whatever it is you do day in and day out?

These are questions I don't think we ever really think about. And if we're not careful, our days will consume us without purpose. 
We will go about our days shuffling here and there and at the end of the day think "What did I even get done today?"

It is so important to regularly evaluate yourself. To take thought about what you are doing with your life because there is a very real reality that one day..when your time is up..you will face your Creator and you'll also be faced with what you did in your short time on earth. 
Did anything you do have meaning?

In the past few years, there have been a lot of changes in my life: Matthew and I became youth leaders, I got married, had to figure out how to live on our own, lost friendships, gained friendships, went to dental hygiene school, got a lot of student loans, bought a house,  became a dental hygienist... and these are just the big changes.

In these years of changes I have learned a lot about the Lord. There has been a lot of sanctification going on in my life through each new process. I have had to learn to primarily trust in the Lord for every single thing. And through it all I have seen His hand in every circumstance. 

I have realized that He is in every single thing. Even the smallest things. Even in the things that may seem "radical" even to other believers. And He desires and deserves to be glorified in every sanction of life. 
That is why I have decided to write this short devotional series. Because He deserves to be glorified.
And I believe He loves for His children to share what He has taught them. 

Here are some of the topics I will cover over the next few weeks. I will post one each Tuesday morning! 

 Home Life

I have learned that the more I grow in the Lord, the more He expects of me. (Luke 12:48)
I had already written this and it was saved as a draft, when I read a post by Beth Moore..she says it perfectly: 
"Over the course of the last five years, one of the things I believe God has consistently made clear to me is that He’d require more in my later years than less.  Coasting was out of the question. If I wanted to teach and minister under an increasing anointing, for instance, or bear fruit more profusely or see bona fide breakthroughs in the Body of Christ and true wonders of God in the midst of ministry, I’d have to press in further, go deeper with Him in His Word, get bolder in love, service, prayer and get mightier in battle. Humbler in spirit. Some of the need for pressing in further as time goes on can probably be explained by Revelation 12:12. Satan is furious because he knows his time is short. Each generation will either get stronger in battle or sink further and further into defeat. But I also think God’s increased requirement was for my good. What once came a little easier, I’d now have to fight for. I’d have to want it desperately. Cry out for it." 

That was a little long, but it could not be shortened. That is exactly how I feel. It continues to blow my mind how when God is trying to teach me something, He will keep putting it right in my face so I can't possibly miss it. 
He knows how human I am, and I am fully aware how incapable I am without Him. 

So here we go. I will pour out my heart and be totally open to you all, because I think raw, real life is how God intended for people to connect with one another.  

Check back in next Tuesday - August 15th for the first post! 

In Him,  Lace

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