Tuesday, April 19, 2016

An Open Letter To The Girl Who Feels Unworthy

Dear whomever you might be, 
      Right now you may feel inadequate, purposeless, and unworthy. Life's trials and roads have led you to a brokenness you have never known and you think...how did I get here? 
      But beautiful girl, let me tell you...you are SO worthy. Not because of anything you have done, because nothing you could ever possibly do could make you worthy. Truth is, you are a mess. And Lord knows I am too. I am the messiest messer of them all. But the mess and the trials, the ups and the downs, the comparison, the anxiety, the feelings of worthlessness.. let me tell you..they are all lies! Lies that don't deserve one more second of your time. 

       The Lord of all the universe adores you. He planned before the foundation of the world and before the planets were put into orbit that you would be here on this earth today. You are here for a purpose. Your life has so much meaning. You are not defined by your mess. You are defined by the Savior. 

     He says that you are: LOVED, CHOSEN, SACRED, TREASURED, BEAUTIFUL, WORTHY.  You are HIS. 

(ecclesiastes 3:11, 1 peter 2:9, 1 corinthians 6:11, john 3:16)

This is some amazing truth! It is time we start living in the light of salvation as daughters of the Most High God instead of hiding behind our mess, and feeling unworthy of His love. 

I hid behind my mess for the longest time. I know now that it was a matter of unbelief because I just couldn't accept the fact that a holy God could love someone like me who messes up so much. I lived like I was unforgiven instead of in the joyful freedom of Jesus Christ. I believed God saw me as this annoying little kid and that he was frustrated with me because I never had even one perfect day. Those were some debilitating times! To be a daughter of Christ means joy not shackles! He has freed us!

Of course we will still mess up. But His cross has made us righteous. Now God looks down on us through the blood stained filter of His son Jesus and see's us...
not as ugly, but as beautiful. 
Not as trash, but as treasure. 
Not as a mess, but as a message. 
Not as worthless, but as worthy. 


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