Friday, June 17, 2016

I Am A Runner & Not In The Athletic Kind Of Way

I have always disliked running. I can't stand the feeling of not being able to catch my breath which basically stems from a desire to be in control at all times, and when I can't breathe...I don't have control. My husband has tried to teach me techniques many times on how to use breathing techniques as I run to go a further distance, but after one mile I am done....D O N E. 
I have some serious respect for marathon and half marathon runners. 

Since I dislike running so surprises me how much I run away from God. In my opinion it takes just as much energy-physically, mentally, emotionally.
The other day I was praying and asking Him why I felt so distant. Why I couldn't seem to get it together and just be still in His presence, and God brought the story of Jonah to my mind. 
Now I haven't read or thought about the story of Jonah in forever. It's just not one of the books of the bible that I have really studied so it surprised me that I began to so closely relate myself to that story. 

To sum it up, God called Jonah to do something that scared the living daylights out of he ran from God. The bible literally says Jonah "rose to flee from the presence of the Lord". (Jonah 1:3)
God called me to do some things four years ago when I was a senior in high school and to be honest it scared me! So I dipped my toes in the water and as soon as the first opposition or hardship arose I was outta there. And now here I am four years later with the same burden placed on my heart for a specific ministry that I haven't gone all-in-full-force for yet. But I see the way He has worked and placed me in situations to start. 
All throughout scripture there is a theme of BOLDNESS. 
The same God who rose Jesus from the grave lives in us! 
No opposition can make us crumble because with Him we can be bold and immediately obey. 

What is so cool about the story of Jonah is that after Jonah disobeyed and went through lots of other struggles to teach him (ahem...being swallowed by a whale...)(there have been some whale-sized issues that have about swallowed me whole in the past four years) God gave him another chance. Once again He commands him to go and do what he has told him to do. And this time Jonah does it. He obeys. He decided to give up being in control and to trust God. 

God is so gracious to use us and to give us chance after chance. 
Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 
So today I am choosing boldness, obedience, and love. 
Who's with me? 


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