Friday, October 21, 2016

A Girl I Once Knew

I want to tell you about this girl that I once knew. 
She was different.
I was 17 and I had never met anyone like her.
She radiated with kindness and love. Her demeanor resonated peace and genuine joy.
She spoke with gracefulness and confidence. Not with a voice that craved attention, but rather with a voice that could't help but be heard. 

I was in a season of confusion. Torn between the wanting the things of the world, but wanting God as well. And we all know you can't have both.

It was in my 17th year that I fell in love with Christ and I honestly believe that God put that girl in my life to show me what living for Him was all about. 

As I was reading Exodus 33 this morning, I couldn't help but think back to that time of my life. 
The Lord had just told the Israelites that it was time to move from the place they were staying to the land that He had promised them, but because He was so angered with them worshipping other gods, He told them that His presence would not go with them. 
Moses interceded and said "But Lord! Is it not your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of this earth?"- exodus 33:16

In other words, "but Lord! without you, we are just like the world. You being with us is what makes us distinct." a.k.a. we are nothing without You. 

The Lord's going with this girl made her distinct
His Presence made her different from anyone I had ever met. 

And back at that young age of 17 I got to thinking, maybe its these "little-g" gods that is stopping me from having the kind of relationship with Him that she has.

Not that I wanted to be like her, but rather that I wanted the relationship with Christ that she had.

You see, God wants to take us from our place which is "ok" (like the Israelites in Sinai) to the place that He has prepared for us- flowing with milk and honey.
We could be in a place where we are comfortable and it may be an ok place to be, but wouldn't you like to experience the bulk of the abundance of everything He has in store for you? Things we couldn't even think to ask for or imaging. I know thats where I want to be.
Even if I don't know where I'm going.
Even if it may look uncomfortable or even scary.

Maybe you are in a place with God right now that seems fine and good but you are not hearing from Him. Maybe like the Israelites, you have given up hope that He will speak to you so you put something before Him.

the Israelites did. They got tired of waiting to hear from God and built a golden calf!

maybe you fill your time with watching tv, looking at social media, and playing around instead of seeking God's face.

But let me tell you something girlfriend, He has a place for you flowing with milk and honey.
aka the best place you could think of.

He wants to take you to another place in your relationship with Him-the best place imaginable where you can live in the Presence of your God.

The only thing standing in your way is yourself- put away the little-g gods and pursue Him wholeheartedly.

If you are a follower of Christ, then you already have all the tools you need! (Ephesians 6)


p.s. If you are reading this blog and ever need prayer I would love to pray for you! Please don't even hesitate to contact me.

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