Monday, June 2, 2014

Monthly Goals: June


May was a productive, fun-filled month.
I am so excited for the new month of June!!!
Lets see how I did on last month's goals:
May's Goals:
1. Finish the book "Radical"
2. Start the "Girls of Grace" bible study with the youth girls
3. Memorize three scripture verses
4. Start running each morning
5. Write three handwritten notes
6. Dye my hair back blonde

Hey, you win some, you lose some, right?!
Running has never been something that I've been great at. But I have ben running about 3x a week! Just not everyday. On the plus side, I did get running shoes for my birthday! So maybe that will be a little extra encouragement (:

June Goals:
1. Get tan in Florida
2. Write three more handwritten notes
3. Clean/organize my closet
4. Finish decorating the majority of Matthews apartment
5. Read 4 new books
6. Memorize three more verses

Hopefully I'll complete all my goals for this month!
It really does feel awesome to be able cross goals off of your list.
What goals have you set for yourself this month?


The Tiny Twig

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