Monday, February 2, 2015

What It's All About

Let's talk about blogging. 
I haven't been on this little blogging space in the longest time. 
Why you might ask? Because I have been really annoyed with blogs here recently. 
The blogs I used to follow are very concerned with how many followers they have, who they know in the blogging world, how much money they are making, how many sponsors they have, how good their pictures are, etc. And I got caught up in that for a while. I would constantly check and see how many people read my blog, or if my followers count went up. but that is not what this is about. 

 I was getting sucked into caring about numbers and who I knew. But that's not why I started to blog. I began blogging with the hope that this could be a place where I could reach people for Christ. Where I could be transparent and show people that life is not easy and perfect. It is hard and messy and that's ok. I wanted it to be a place where I was real with people. I want to share what God has been teaching me.

Cause lets face it, social media isn't all bad. The devil might use social media to his advantage, but as servants of Christ we could flip it around and use it to proclaim his name! How awesome is that?! Blogging for me is not about making myself look good. Blogging to me is to make Jesus look good. 

I want to be as intentional as possible with the time I have on this earth, and I don't want to ever be caught up with things that don't matter. 

Every single day, literally the only thing that matters is Jesus.
Only Jesus.
Always Jesus.

Teaching people to follow Christ is infinitely more important than having people follow you. 


  1. Preach! It can be easy to get distracted by the lesser things and hard to keep fighting to make our online presences about Jesus instead of ourselves. But, like anything else in life, I think that's the critical battle. I hope your time away has been refreshing!

  2. I go through my ups and downs with this little blog of mine as well. I recently decided not to do sponsorships on my blog anymore. I just want to focus on what I want to write about and if I want to write.

  3. I totally get caught up in that sometimes too! You have such a heart of gold! Thank you for reminding me why I truly blog, too!
